External pressures that would seek to exploit working men and women are relentless. To take better advantage of our combined resources and strength is one of the reasons for this Regional Council. The Regional Council jurisdiction covers Sheet Metal Workers Local Union's 16, 23, 55, 66 and 103.
We are Stronger Together!
Realizing the advantage and necessity of cooperative effort properly and legally directed to fully develop and demonstrate the possibilities of our trade in the various fields of industry and to protect our rights in connection therewith, we hereby pledge our united efforts and support as members of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers to the accomplishment of said purpose.
In this age of organized effort, it is essential that those engaged at our trade must likewise organize in order to establish and maintain desirable working conditions and thus provide for themselves and their families that measure of comfort, happiness, and security to which every good citizen is entitled in return for their labor from a deep sense of pride in our trade, to give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.
In this age of organized effort, it is essential that those engaged at our trade must likewise organize in order to establish and maintain desirable working conditions and thus provide for themselves and their families that measure of comfort, happiness, and security to which every good citizen is entitled in return for their labor from a deep sense of pride in our trade, to give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay.